Date: Tue Apr 24, 2001 3:25 am Hi, my name is Shelley and I have been on Paxil for about 3 years. I am trying to get off of it and am ok for like 3 days then my head hurts, I feel terrible and sleepy. I start to have crying jags and am very crabby with my son and my husband. I am on 10 mg per day of Paxil and am trying to cut down my dosage slowly, but am not sure what the heck is going to happen to me if I stop altogether. I feel horrible and have gained 50 lbs that I can't lose. Is it easier to lose after quitting this crap? I would appreciate any suggestions. Shelley Date: Tue Apr 24, 2001 1:05 pm Response1: You will have problems and you will have to be strong!! But you need to cut back slow, you may be cutting back too may also be easier if you get a liquid form so you can cut back a very little at a time. What you are describing is typical withdrawl and you will have a rough way to go. Just do not go cold turkey that is the worse, I know. Do not give up we all know how bad it will be. Hopefully your husband will support you and i also have kids and it is the worst on them they do not understand. Try to avoid hard exercise cause there is apossibility that it will get worse. Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Try to not take any meds even tylenol cause these drugs maxify whatever you take. Try Dr.Tracys book, it is hard to read when you come off, but it helped my husband to understand and be more supportive (most of the time, he got crappy some but it was alot more before he read the book). Good Luck Kim Date: Tue Apr 24, 2001 4:27 pm Response2: Hi Shelley. I was on paxil for almost the same amount of time. PLEASE TAPER OFF for as long of a period as reasonable. DO NOT just stop taking it, you are physically dependent on it and you should treat it like any other addiction like smoking or heroin. If you just simply quit cold turkey as I was forced to when it made me psychotic, you will become very physically ill. Have you checked out Dr.Tracy's website? I'm at work so I can't really talk now, but I'll get back to you later. hang in there, we are all survivors and we are here for you! Heather